Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Real Time

Distinguishing reality from fantasy seems simple to most of us . . . 'reality' being our personal view of the world.  We align ourselves with the well-being of others in our societal framework by using familiar 'markers' such as habit, fitting into the ebb and flow of life while interacting with others as effectively as we can.

Aberrant behavior on the part of another person is more common than may be believed.  Oppositional, argumentive, combative attitudes or actions happen frequently with many of our colleagues, relatives, or community members.  We use social cues and skills to counter these conditions.  Learning to de-fuse another's angst is fairly familiar to most of us.

A deranged 'loner' who enters a world contained only in his/her mind can wreak havoc, playing out a  violent, predatory need born of a thought pattern alien to anyone else.  Weapons of destruction are many and always obtainable; thoughtful observance of those around us seems to be prudent, as we move through life.  Become aware of others . . . take nothing for granted.  If a situation seems sinister or explosive, observe carefully and remain alert.  Intuitive function is a must in these ever-changing, sometimes confusing times.

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