Sunday, March 18, 2012

Being Liked

That nemesis of most human lives . . . do you really like me?  Caring deeply whether another person likes or approves of us can be a risky business which may provide numerous unbeatable opponents in life -- largely because a person who criticizes consistently in order to control is at base a bitter enemy with potential to harm and ruin a perfectly healthy life . . . a stealthy source of emotional harm who often cannot be vanquished except by discard.

Unless one is a proponent of deserved punishment -- that is, victimhood, or a martyr existence truly attracts and fulfills and even begins to seem reasonable, observe carefully all comments made by those who make up this particular life play in which we want to believe we are starring.

So in this spirit of becoming whole, listen up:  concerning any aspect of personal appearance (hairdo also, if that applies), attitude, station in life, residence, vehicle, life accoutrements (pets, idiosyncrasies, reading preferences) . . . any opinion, judgment, idea, or reaction, if other than positive and appreciative, is unwelcome to the point of dismissal immediately upon observance.  This applies to each human or animal within view, hearing, space of life, daily comings and goings, up to and including checkout personnel in convenience stores.  Hear me clearly, this is thoughtfully stated with pointed emphasis:  I DO NOT CARE.

All happy, considerate and polite offerings, verbal or otherwise, are welcome; if we can all LIKE and APPROVE unequivocally, and be happy that all around us are who we are, that's great, it is appreciated very much.  However, beleaguering the happy aura in which I presently reside with dissatisfied observations, opinions, judgments, or needs is hereby dismissed, with prejudice.  Just run up the road.  We will all be much happier and more serene.